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Staying Motivated Tips

Staying motivated can be a task and we are all guilty of sliding of track. I have listed some of the tips that I am following during my weightloss journey.

#1 Set small goals | Rather than aiming for your final outcome, focus on small targets. Instead of aiming to lose a stone by the end of the month aim to lose 4 pounds by the end of the week. You are more likely to stay on track by setting your self small achievable goals.

#2 Be proud | Look at how far you have come, maybe look at old pictures and remind yourself of where you were a year ago (whenever you started your journey). Focus on your achievements and be proud of your hard work and determination.

#3 Reflect | Taking before, during and after pictures are a great way of not only reflecting on once you hit your target weight but also when you feel a lack of motivation, the pictures are there to be looked at so make sure you keep a visual record of your progress.

#4 Allow yourself treats | Being on a weightloss journey does not mean you have to starve yourself and eat like a rabbit every day. Allow yourself a treat, maybe set a day in the week that you have some sweets or a take out. There is nothing worse than not having anything to look forward to after days of hard work in the gym.

#5 Remember why | You started this journey for a reason, so remind yourself of why.. You were unhappy, low on confidence? Think of why you wanted to change in the first place andremind yourself that if you stop you are going to go back to feeling that way.

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